Banana Feed

Highly addictive

The Experience Economy

People seek to create real memories and true connections

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Explore the Brand Story

How Did Oreo Find its Tasty Content?

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Brand Building

Create content, not advertising

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Experiential campaigns

Reach without memories is a waste of budget

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Daring To Be Different

Innovate the Experience

4. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
8. 11. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Creating content for Carnilove

29. 10. 2024 / Sabina Pušková

Jízda světem s VTG

Hosté obdrželi originální pozvánku ve stylu jízdenky a vydali se na cestu po "vlakových zastávkách" – cateringových stanicích reprezentujících země, kde VTG působí. Aby si tuto jízdu skutečně užili, připravili jsme pro ně atraktivní vlakovou hru, která je zastávkami provázela. A pití? To jsme vyřešili samoobslužnou prosecco stěnou, kde si každý natočil skleničku podle své chuti. Domů si odvezli dárek ukrytý v maketě VTG vagonu.

7. 10. 2024 / Sabina Pušková

We Make Wow Hockey.

Během příprav MS v ledním hokeji se náš produkční tým hecnul a za jediný měsíc jsme zvládli vymyslet nápad, 3D vizualizaci i výrobu. Podívejte se na proměnu běžného skyboxu v tu nejoriginálnější hokejovou fan-zónu! Výsledek je zkrátka wow by Innovate. 🤩

World of Mouth

Let's Talk

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Same pattern = same results.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček
2. 10. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Gorenje giant running-washing machine shortlisted in ADC Czech Creative Awards!

First improve, then make an ad.

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
26. 9. 2024 / Sabina Pušková

Skrytý cíl, tajemná trasa a napínavá dobrodružství.

Takto by se dala popsat letošní jízda s názvem The Michelin Ride. Letos jsme opět pokořili rekord a účast atakovala 200 lidí. Provázali jsme úkoly s odhalením gurmánských tajemství vybraných šéfkuchařů. A Honza Punčochář vykouzlil týmům úsměv na tváři i při podávání tataráku na gala večeři.

24. 9. 2024 / Sabina Pušková

Věděli jste, co je to bejbypank?

Je to hudební styl? Dětská lumpárna na sto způsobů? Bláznivý punkový večírek? Je to vše dohromady. Přesvědčit na vlastní oči a uši se mohli zaměstnanci Molu na Mol Family Day by Innovate.

1. 7. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

...narovinu #Víc než Awards.

S upřímnou radostí sdílíme reakci, kterou jsme získali od „cílového publika“ po vytvoření HR kampaně pro značku z velké čtyřky poradenský firem. #WeMakeWow #Innovate

20. 6. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Baravan test day

30. 5. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Tonny’s in the office

12. 4. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Best friends friendly office

People today simply block out most ads. And that changes the rules for building brands as well.

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
1. 4. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Drive your carrier at PwC. HR campaign PwC na rovinu is on air.

28. 3. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Making wow 30th anniversary of BH Securities

6. 3. 2024 / Jiří Macháček

Take a seat

18. 9. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

A test day when preparing the virtual Bosch gathering and connecting hundreds of employees accross the Europe, Asia and US in one moment.

Looking to Sell?

Stop relying on the funnel

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
11. 9. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

VŠRR awareness campaign

Live and Digital

Time to Change Storytelling into Story Making

8. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
11. 9. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

BHS new campaign reveal

11. 9. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Nechte jedničky vydělávat nuly

Awareness campaign for BH Securities.

11. 9. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Lagris premium lauch for your lunch

17. 8. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Some great reveal is happening :) #porsche #cayenne #launch-or-lunch?

15. 6. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

To flourish, the new requires the old to fade away.

Thank you to our work team for the excellent job done in cleaning up the warehouse. Old things must go so that a new adventure can begin.

Key marketing statistics

Content is what decides

28. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
1. 6. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Ready for the next adventure

Bring the Brand to Life

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
28. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Innovate welcomes Heffron on board.

28. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Heffron rum deserves to create strong emotional connections with more authentic, poetic communication. Work in progress.

28. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Rum Heffron campaign

Extending brand activation iconcept into POS materials and freebies.

19. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

We are exclusively revealing the first ever photos of Praga Bohema. The amazing combination of carbon, petrol and lightweight was launched by Innovate team during the very secret event for V.I.P guests.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Crafting a Gaming Roadshow for Riot Games: From Bots to Gods. The goal is to increase the number of new player registrations at Valorant, and to strengthen the game’s modern, trendy image.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Something great is arriving soon. Innovate team is converting an old Horse trailer into a mobile bar.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Innovate BX team just started to work on Age Proteom brand activation event for Esthederm.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Best pizza in the city baked by Frankie in Gorenje OptiBake built-in oven.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Enjoy a few flashbacks from Gorenje OptiBake campaign creation.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

How we baked a campaign that emptied the warehouse? Gorenje OptiBake ft. Frankie

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

There’s no better way to understand someone than to walk a mile in his moccasins.

10. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

We feel proud of being choiced to reveal all-new road legal hypercar Praga Bohema.

8. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

We just finalised an activation campaign idea for Karlovy Vary. The city full of experiences will promote itself with connected digital screens, actors and live cameras placed in different cities around the Europe.

6. 2. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Online oldies but goodies.

In this post, we briefly recall the capabilities of our digital team in creating brand content.

5. 2. 2023 / Jiří Macháček

Crafting visuals for Hami.

Another day in photo paradise. The new brand visual style was born in Hangar today.

25. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Great teamspirit time

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček


What would vegetables do if they found out that their life would be longer in a Gorenje fridge? It would speak.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

HR campaign

Main campaign visuals for PMI crafted by our team. From the insight to copy, photoshooting, retouching, to social formats delivery.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Have you ever seen a dam from the inside? Advantage Season Closing prepared by Innovate team led the people to the most hidden places in Czech republic.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Proud to be idea makers and creators of this Gorenje washing machine memorable brand experience.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We are proud winner of the IQOS pitch among four international agencies for HoReCa engagement activation.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Appetizer Flavour Kit

Enjoy the IQOS flavour and make your own flatlay photo. The unique concept created by Innovate brand-experience team supports brand's share of voice, has a strong impact on sales and creates emotional connection with a brand.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

IQOSphere Home Box

Staying at home give us a new perspective to brand experience ideas and challenge us when connecting both live and digital world. Limited edition invented for IQOS.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Experience created from scratch

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Invented for Live

Another great project. Old dog playground remake when crafting campaign content for Bosch Power Tools.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

It could be an obvious sales campaign with home appliances... But we rather change it to the true kitchen poetry.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Creating a Tinder for Home appliances started with the sales promotion idea "buy one and get the second for better price".

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We've finished the work on Bosch Pop-up escape room. So let's events go live!

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

The bigger, the better.

We've builded the huge washing machine. Click on Explore to find out why.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Showroom Home Delivery

You know the real size of fantastic 55" ULED TV?

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Hisense EURO 2020 visual

For many brands nowadays the question „How much would you recommend our brand" is becoming just as important as the numbers about attention gained.

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Memorabilia by Bosch

The purpose of marketing is...

to create valuable customer experience.

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Crafting Bosch Escape Room

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Just another great campaign visual for Gorenje from our creative director Jiri Jirka Kubik.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Quality matters

Printhouse check when delivering TV real-sized posters for Hisense EURO 2020 campaign.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Veggie Lives Matter

Webpage ready to roll-out.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Delivering prizes to winners is always joyful.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Handcrafting costumes for Gorenje GardenFresh promo teams.

22. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Videoshooting a campaign for Hisense with famous czech actor Ladislav Hampl.

21. 11. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Miky on board

Experience marketing strategy is today's answer for CMOs when looking for better efficiency and higher ROI scoring brand activities. To make this happen, brands need to understand how to connect creativity, sales, digital, and live into one carefully shaped consumer experience idea. That's why the Innovate brand-experience team proudly welcomes Miky Karas on board.

21. 11. 2022 / Petra Sajdlová

B-day girls🎉

27. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Photoshooting with famous czech actor and model Marketa Hrubešová for Gorenje Kitchens

27. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Preparing the props for Gorenje Kitchen video production

27. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

This is how we exceeded the Siemens sales team's expectations.

The job of marketers is not to explain, but entertain.

16. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček
27. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

What a proud to deliver brand activation campaign to Bosch Germany for SmartGrow. Work in progress.

Explore the Brand Story

Adidas Puts Its Best Foot Forward with BX.

18. 3. 2023 / Jiří Macháček
27. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Kovy a MenT during the casting for Vlak'n'Roll

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Our Cookies True Story

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

This box surprises our clients on their birthday. Now you know what to do to find out what's inside.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Taste the fire

If you do the party, make it count. Events by Innovate.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Office life

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

When talking B2B, it is always better to follow your costumers. This is how we've transformed two trucks into a memorable brand experience.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

SQVL by Siemens

Key visual, website, POSM. Siemens deliver people experiences worth to be and share. For an extraordinary life.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We innovate Siemens BX

Proud to be winner of Siemens coffee machines brand experience activation. We deliver concept, creative idea, campaign, event production and execution.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Entering the realm behind the mirror.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Alice in Vanguardland

Loving these moments, when the event is ready to start. Opening the world of fantasy. Click the Explore button to enter.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Yeah, event work by Innovate

Preparing deco for another great event - Alice in Wonderland

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Illegal party flashbacks

This is how we innovate events to create truly immersive, engaging experiences.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Event work by Innovate

What a joy to be creators of these memories.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Vlak 'n' Roll Best of moments

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Vlak 'n' Roll flashbacks

Click the right-bottom icon and read more about the breathtaking experiential campaign for Ceske drahy.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Vlak 'n' Roll

Proud winner of Ceske drahy brand-experience agency. Key visual of campaign with youtubers challenge. Turning Impossible into Possible.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

MenT for Ceske drahy

We turn hates into likes. Experiential campaign for Ceske drahy brings excellent results.

What's Next In Marketing

The Rise of Experiences

6. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček
24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

DP coffee packaging made by Innovate.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Concept of website design for Cejka Holding.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Harley Davidson Rides

Born to ride and have fun. Preparing website for adventure rides for Harley Davidson riders during the Prague Harley Days.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Direct mailing done differently.

The invitation-style box contains a short intro and motivation to meet a new event space of Makro Academy - a flumber stand. Flumber will receive the guest personally during a visit.

24. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We've created an unique concept of Škoda Xmas party for journalist. Inspired by 20 years of Škoda motorsport it is all about invitation for night drive full of adrenalin in 1:20 scale.

19. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Bosch Transformation Experience. Each new idea should be bigger than the previous one. 90 minutes performance specially created for 25th Anniversary of Bosch. The theme, direction, choreography and scene narrated by Bosch stories led guests from a history to the future vision of Bosch.

19. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Proud to announce Innovate team as the winner of Bosch 25th Anniversary gala evening. This is the general idea artwork.

19. 10. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Gorenje activation. The giant washing machines full of gifts. Dare to come?

28. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Bosch Transformation Experience video.

We created a spectacular experience of a smart and connected future, which inspired guests and led them towards a technologically advanced society. Bosch 25th Anniversary.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

AlgidaCity pixelart website. Nostalgia of 2004. Proud winner of Company medium of the year.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Advantage Season visuals ready for roll-out. A great work by our Creative Director.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Nestle Polophone. Nostalgia. Mobile phone airbrushed with a brand to deliver a great prize to Polo sales promotion. Results +30 %.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Jiri and Anet. Captain and Sorceress.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Working on Advantage Season Opening next season.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Rent an interactive work place that story makers just love. Hangar by Innovate

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Bananas on Ice.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Product photos mady by Innovate photo crew. Bosch Training Center.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

First sketch of Algida WOnderWorld entrance.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Taking a tour to Bosch factory in Stuttgart.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Gifts for Bosch Loyalty Program.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Events by Innovate event team are full of emotions. Ferrari Gala Dinner.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Meet the Perfection. Bosch Innovation Day.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Acrobatic Air Show by Red Bull pilot Jan Rudzinskyj at Advantage Season Opening 2016

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Siemens sales conference at SaSaZu.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Augmenetd reality implemented into a Bosch vacuum cleaners sampling roadshow.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Jiri, our Captain. Capturing the right moments.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We've turned trucks into BSH mobile store.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Special guest Leoš Mareš at Advantage Season Opening 2017.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Life Is About The Journey, Not The Destination. We are exploring the new experiences that can be implemented into our outgoing programs for business partners or employes.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Anet, our CFO and Team Spirit Sorceress.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Choosing the right moment. Event photo done by Innovate photo crew.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Choosing the right moment. Portrait business photo done by Innovate photo crew.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Choosing the right moment. Portrait photo done by Innovate photo crew.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Spectacular photo that went around the world. 3days prestigious Ferrari meeting in Prague organized by Innovate team.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

BSH brand experience center opening.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Designers of the future. Teambuilding for BSH.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Bosch and Siemens brand experience show.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Advantage Season Opening 2016. For more details about experiential marketing for Advantage Cars press the button.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Raiffeisen & Uniqa employers day.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Korenici smesi new season visuals. Tastiness and simplicity.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

The real practice is often contrasted to academic theory. New brand visuals for UNYP communication.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Successful careers start with the right education. UNYP brand campaign.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Get onboard with Podravka. Sales promotion perfectly done.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

B2B campaign for Prague Airport - In a nutshell, a small place for a great adventure.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

One more - funny - visual for Podravka. Feel free to share.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Proud winner of Podravka Korenici smesi product launch.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We've crafted in-store communication and cartoon stand for Bosch-Tassimo cross promotion.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Corporate identity for Engine Classic Cars Fund created by Innovate team.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

We are winning the pitch for Frisco event and online strategy agency.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Proud to be winners of Pilsner Fest realization team.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Sales promotion for Bosch.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Think Future. Think UNYP. The first visual is ready for international roll-out.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

What a joy to be creators of our client great PR. Zdeněk Lepka. GM of BH Securities.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Sales promotion for Siemens. Buy Siemens coffee machine and get coffee cups for free.

23. 9. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

SQVL by Siemens experiential campaign visual. SQVL is czech abbreviation of AWS = awesome.

5. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Hangar by Innovate

This is where great ideas come from.

5. 7. 2022 / Jiří Macháček

Explore our Base camp

Meet Innovate. Brand-experience team.



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