Creating valuable customer experience is kind of brave. Coming up with ideas that serve the brand must be done without fear. Being responsible for the results takes courage.
Daring To Be Different.
7 min. reading
At first glance, credit card providers have little in common with priceless things. Yet, Mastercard has been relying on its Priceless Experiences campaign for more than 25 years. In recent years, the brand has gone even deeper into multi-sensory marketing, and its value has doubled.
Go Ahead10 min. reading
We’re serving up training that should clearly have long queues. By uniquely refreshing its social network presence to involve real experience, the brand has practically taken over first place.
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Branding and marketing innovations have proven to be a breakthrough concept for the three-striped brand, helping it gain a network of influencers and rich consumer experience.
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Oreo cookies have come a long way in the last thirteen years. An ossified brand that always presented itself in the kitchen and relied on TV advertising has become a leader in the digital world.
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Marco D'Amelj Melodia and Tiziana Somma, the founders of Mozzarellart, have an abundance of such qualities. Like proper Italians, they have communication in their blood. But they went about setting up an Italian cheese factory in Prague without knowing anything of how to produce cheese, or how to even think about marketing it.
Explore4 min. reading
Ads that work respect certain rules. For instance, they speak the truth, they're simple, and they help people choose what will work best for them. The way such ads are created and their essential ingredients are revealed by our colleague, art director, and creative director Jirka Kubík.
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Monika Drobná, head of innovation management at Komerční banka, brings huge wave energy with her - information and ideas that either wash you away or teach you to surf. It is absolutely clear that only a fraction of people would be able to jumpstart an innovation center so quickly and with such results.
Explore5 min. reading
What actually works across all countries is human experience, the personal experience of each person. That is the strongest attribute that always persists.
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