What Is Experiential Marketing.

4 min. reading

If brand managers want to aim for significantly broader reach and the creation of strong emotional bonds between the brand and the consumer, they must face the overall transformation of brand strategy from passive to active. 

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How Much More Effective Are Experiential Campaigns Than Advertising?

4 min. reading

While people have changed their behavior and shifted their focus to social networks due to the amazing opportunities for the interaction they provide, many brands still treat social networks like television.


Why Reach Is More Important Than Explanation Of Benefits.

3 min. reading

As marketers, we should accept the fact that thinking about the brand is but a very small part of the decision-making process for the majority of our customers. Our advertising has, for the most part, weak persuasive power. The reason is that its role for the brand is different.


Marketing Is Moving Beyond Branding And Advertising.

7 min. reading

More than four-fifths of the Czech population (85 %) are overwhelmed by advertising, and according to Focus, only a quarter of them believe it. Millennials are much more likely to buy what their friends have recommended than what they see advertised. Generation Z is even clearer about it – they deliberately ignore everything that is presented and sold in the traditional way.

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Oreo skrýš pro soudný den.

Norsko: Až to přijde, sušenky mlékem milované přežijí. 

V ložnici u Van Gogha.

USA: Díky Art Institute of Chicago a Airbnb ucítíte, jaké to je žít v obraze.

Čerpací stanice pro holky.

USA: YSL Beauty postavil na ikonické Route 111 v kalifornské poušti pop-up obchod a make-up oázu v jednom.

Spánek pod Noční hlídkou.

Holandsko: Rijksmuseum odměnilo 10,000,000. návštěvníka unikátním zážitkem.

Toy box bus.

Skotsko: Model nového autobusu v měřítku 1:1.

Survival billboard.

Anglie: X-box připravil poutavé sledování boje o přežití naživo.

Chuť vzpomínek na dětství.

USA: Oreo vás dostane zpět do dětských let. Doslova.

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